Now we go up to the Hutoushan hill. The highest point is 251 meters above the sea level. Usually people go up early in the morning, but I prefer going a bit later, because I enjoy walking and taking photos in peace, without adapting too much to other hikers pace. August is very hot in Taiwan, and especially afternoon it can be unbearably hot. Up in the hills it is always a bit cooler.
The stairs up

Already in the stairs you can appreciate the manifold beauty of the tropical vegetation.

And from time to time get a glimpse on the Nankan creek. The riverbed and the walking paths by the river have been under serious remodelling during 2014. It is part of the beautifying of Taoyuan city, which has a new status since 1st of December 2014. It became on of the so called Special Municipalities. This means that it will get more money from the government.

The Sun pavillion.
You forgot your watch, no problem.

This is one of the views towards the East. The mountains look very appealing from here. In future articles we go and see what is there.

Pigeons like to spend their time in the open area on top of the hill. The red soil makes this place look like Africa. That is my idea of Africa, sorry if you are an african.

This is one of the pavilions up on the hill. Early in the morning you see people doing tai chi or other type exercise here.
The paths on the hill are so many that it takes several walks before you know where to go.
This path is designed especially for bare foot walking. It gives nice massage for free.

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